Marketing Your Home Business On A Small Budget

Here you will find Brainstorming Ideas and Motivation to help you sell more AVON, Pampered Chef, Real Estate, Security Systems, Lawn care, or Dental Insurance, whatever it is that makes you happy when you get up in the morning.

I hope this helps you and your business grow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 16 Thursday... Lets review ...Blog Goal

Ahhhh It's a new day and I feel GREAT!

Take that Isis!
Anyhow, I have decided not to let a bad apple spoil the barrel. :-)
There will always be someone who disagrees with what you do, but as long as you feel it is right you should pursue and just keep on going.

Yes, I have asked if it is ok for me to have an Avon Blog and they said YES!

I feel Good about doing this blog, I know it will help people now and later.
My goal is to write what I learn so I may be able to help others make better decisions. This should also help my down line feel more confident and for anyone who reads this to be motivated. We all know there are always going to be times when you can't think of one more marketing idea or feel you have done it all... I write this as inspiration DON'T GIVE UP!

So right now I'm taking my own advice. I'm Not Giving Up!
Go Get em!

This blog is for you,
If you like something and it can help you have a better Avon Business
Go for it!
It's my gift to you

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