You could try posting this ad in the classifieds...
(It actually helped me get recruits :)
Sell Avon for FREE for a 2 week trial. Ask me how today!
or Start Today! become you own Avon rep for only $10 and explore the possibilities of financial freedom.
Than when they reply....
This is How it works...
(note to the new rep)
Q. How much money will this cost me?
A. None :) This will cost you nothing...
I can simply supply you with 10 AVON books and an order book. (and a few samples)
You can see how you like sharing Avon with people you know and take orders,
You collect the money ahead of time. (You hold the money until the products arrive.)
(Their customers pay in advance for the orders and than they pay you when they get the merchandise to distribute.)
I will happily place the orders for you and you can distribute the products.
You will get to keep the profits! I just want you to see how much FUN and profitable Avon is!
(about $20-$40 pr $100 sold!)
(you can offer a FREE gift if they sell more than x amount -as an incentive)
Than at any point if you decide you would like to become an Avon Rep, I can help you get started. And your first order is your new client base!
(If you decide you don't want to join there is no hard feelings, I will be happy to continue to help your customers for you, so they will continue to get Avon Good service.)
To join Avon is $10 (but if you like you can earn it with your first order!)
Are you ready to get started? (don't forget to ask.)
: )
Yes great!
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