banner made at Vistaprint - FREE - yes free / shipping only.. (about $10)
Sorry I haven't been around, I needed inspiration too.
Every time I sat down to write you I erased
it because I didn't want to boar you with gibberish.
To everyone who is getting out there today and knocking on doors Great Job .
I know it takes alot of courage to do this.
I did it last week in 90' heat and it sucked. I was SOAKED w/sweat by the time I was done and no orders to show for it. An only 3 people that were happy to see an Avon book. Talk about a needle in a haystack!
It seems at least here that ALOT of people are afraid to answer the door or just arn't home.
I know there has GOT to be an easier way!
Today I was in the parking lot at McDonald's (shh don't tell on me) and there was a storage place behind them with a black iron fence that was just up against the back of the McDonald's. Therefore everyone who entered the drive through line and everyone who exited the restaurant would pass this gate. WELL someone was SMART and put their Lawn service banner on the fence, probably giving the storage company a cut.
BUT what a GREAT idea! Pure BRILLIANCE!!!!
I will be looking for my own prime location to put a banner!
Similar to the one I got at VistaPrint banner (above) that I got for free minus shipping (about $10). I will have one saying Have you seen Avon Lately? Call me for a FREE catalog! (my number)
Good news/ Kinda,
I got another order from someone who found my campaign book (13) and she wanted spectra color lipstick.. Only Avon no longer is making this, so I got her address and is mailing her a new catalog and samples.
YES I signed up another Avon Rep Saturday, she was so excited! And I am excited for her!
She is in college so she has alot of people to show her catalogs to, she should do really well.
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