No this ISN'T me, but it shouldn't be you either!
Make sure when you are knocking on doors to share Avon
that you look like someone you'd want to open a door for!
Good Luck Today :)
Today is another day and I plan on hitting my neighborhoods very early this morning before it gets too Hot! I live in Florida and by noon it's 90' outside with no wind, and by 4 pm it rains.
My goal today is to knock (yes ladies) KNOCK on 40 doors and introduce myself as their Avon Lady!
I will have a basket with Avon books and samples and let's not forget order forms!
My sales goal today is $100.
Visiting 3 child daycares today w/ Avon Books.
(offering employee of the month gift in exchange
for them offering my Avon books to employees and parents.)
I also have a Avon meeting today at 4pm. with my upline and her upline, I requested it. I just want to know that I am on track and learn anything and everything I can. I'll let you know how it goes, I am so excited and can't wait!
What's your Avon Sales Goal Today?
note: picture is a mugshot made public
If you know them I will be happy to deliver them some bubble bath.
If you know them I will be happy to deliver them some bubble bath.
HA! The picture is too funny!