Moonlight as a Avon Representative
Just like the paper boy!
Pack it up
1. put a catalog2. make a book mark with you contact info and a coupon - a free (? - lotion) with any $15 order.
(or $1 off any jewelry order with this coupon)
on the other side-(reads) order now and pay on delivery.
(up to any $25 order)
3. don't forget to put your label on your catalog
4. INCLUDE an order form with your contact info!
(fill out the catalog number on the form! and highlight it)
so they can read it to you when their ordering.
5. You can include a perfume sample but why not save that for your PAYING customers.
6. Add business card/magnet if you have one.
7. Clear bag it in the clear AVON Bags
Now take about 60-100 of your catalogs and drive to your new route, at night is fine and
toss them to their driveways.
Keep track of your calls/sales...
You will probably have to do this 3-4 campaigns at the same addresses to give them the feeling of trust / security that you'll still be there.
Feel free to followup with a door to door visit if you like.
This is just an idea I had at 2:04 am
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