Websites Where you can advertise for free (or almost free)
click on them and check them out,
Don't Forget to add us to your Favorites First!
Copy and Paste the list so you always have it and you can add on to it!
----- http://www.trulia.com/
----- http://www.olx.com/
----- http://www.kijiji.com/
----- http://www.livedeal.com/
----- http://www.usfreeads.com/
----- http://www.craigslist.com/ *****
----- http://www.livesimon.com/
----- http://www.livedeal.com/
----- http://www.classifiedads.com/
----- http://www.twitter.com/
----- http://www.facebook.com/ (create a group)
----- http://www.zillow.com/
----- http://www.oodle.com/ (classifieds)
----- http://www.recycler.com/
----- http://www.festivals-and-shows.com/
----- http://www.myqubi.com/
----- http://www.wowmh.com/
----- http://www.adsinusa.com/
----- http://www.corkin.com/
----- http://www.loqqad.com/
----- http://www.walmartclassifieds.com/
----- http://www.shortsign.com/
----- http://www.freeshopperads.com/
Worth while mom websites
Hot spot for WAHMS that currently have a home business or are actively seeking one.
Home party help, cold calling answers and more. Great group mailing list for sharing ideas and
asking questions. Over 50,000 unique visitors per month.
Over 4,000 pages of craft ideas for kids. Humorous stories written for parents by parents.
Currently there are over 9,800 subscribers to the weekly newsletter. Approximately 50,000
unique visitors per month.
Hot spot for parents looking for work at home and for experts wanting to publish their work at home articles.
Lots of work at home info and advice. Well organized site that has over 2000 subscribers and traffic grows each day!
Good Luck! You can make your business a success!
What can you do today to reach your goal?
You CAN Take 30 min every day to do something to make your company BIGGER!
Just get started!
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